
Recorded aerial images and analytical results are visualized and made available to users via the portals.


Current traffic situation displayed in „KeepOperational“.

Emergency services depend on reliable information for decisions regarding traffic management and emergency logistics during crisis situations. KeepOperational offers security-protected web interfaces to provide an easy access to the developed functionality and traffic information from other solitary and usually “closed” systems, such as sensor data from traffic control systems. In contrast to publicly available information portals KeepOperational provides an added value by considering typical specification and special requirements of emergency services. In addition, the reliability of the traffic information is enhanced by specifying quality indexes.

Portal of the Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI)

The Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI) is a service of DLR’s German Remote Sensing Data Center. It is tasked with providing a 24/7 service for the rapid procurement, processing and analysis of satellite data in cases of natural and environmental disasters, for humanitarian aid activities, and for civil security purposes worldwide. The products are customized to meet the specific needs of national and international political decision makers, situation centres and aid organisations, and are also made available to the general public free of charge.
The ZKI contributions to VABENE++ include the creation and publication of map products (Web-applications and maps) related to project campaigns, as well as the further development of Web-based information products as to their functional operation and content.