Thermal Storage


High-temperature pump heat storage as a decarbonized flexibility replacement for fossil power plants

3D model of the new setup for examining 5 MW heat exchangers

In order to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and become climate neutral by 2045, Germany must make its energy supply more flexible. The German Aerospace Center (DLR), Malta High Temperature Heat Pumps Stromspeicher GmbH (MHWS), Alfa Laval Mid Europe GmbH (Alfa Laval) and Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG (Siemens Energy) have received funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Climate Protection (BMWK) received funding of 6 million euros for the Store2REpower project. The aim is to develop a competitive long-term storage system with 100 Megawatts of electrical discharge power, a further 70 Megawatts of thermal discharge power and storage times of up to 100 hours.

Germany must electrify its heating sector and ensure that the expansion of electricity generation from renewable energies is tailored to demand and available around the clock. The funding will finance a techno-economic analysis of the potential of Maltese LDES technology for the decarbonization of both electricity and heat generation in Germany. It also supports the expansion of DLR's world-leading test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salts (TESIS) to validate an innovative heat exchanger built by Alfa Laval.


  • Expansion of the DLR test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salts (TESIS) and development of the methodology and instrumentation for heat exchanger testing: Expansion of the DLR test facility for thermal energy storage in molten salts (TESIS) and creation of the necessary methodology and instrumentation for conducting heat exchanger tests.
  • Measuring the performance and proving the durability of the Alfa Laval 5 MW air/salt heat exchangers: Performing performance measurements and validating the durability of the Alfa Laval 5 MW air/salt heat exchangers to ensure they meet the required standards.
  • Modeling and techno-economic optimization and evaluation of the Malta energy storage system in end-use case studies: Development of models for techno-economic optimization and evaluation of the Malta energy storage system in various end-use scenarios to determine its effectiveness and economic feasibility.

Store2REPower at a glance




1.9.2023 - 31.8.2026

Financial Support

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Project Partners

Malta Hochtemperatur Wärmepumpen Stromspeicher GmbH

Alfa Laval Mid Europe GmbH

Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG


Dr.phil. Thomas Bauer

Research Area Manager Thermal Systems for Fluids
Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics
Thermal Process Technology
Linder Höhe, Gebäude 26 , 51147 Köln