Yesterday, representatives of the Federal and State Governments of BW were guests at the DLR site in Ulm and visited the institutes located there.
We were happy to give Dr Anna Christmann (MdB), Federal Government Coordinator for Aerospace, and Commissioner for Digital Economy and Start-Ups, Marcel Emmerich (MdB), Michael Joukov (MdL) an insight into our research on AI safety and security.
After information on the Institute and the particularly transfer-relevant projects CatenaX, GaiaX4FutureMobility, TransferX, Maximilian Stäbler showed the further development of a demonstrator, which is relevant in the context of autonomous driving but also in any other research and industrial sectors. Building on a presentation in June, this time we were able to use our own video data for the preventive detection of a dangerous situation, recorded shortly beforehand by drone and robot. Now it is only a small step to an immediate AI-supported evaluation of live footage. This means that the demonstrator is already very close to being used in a real environment.
We are pleased that our institute, and with it the topic of AI safety and security, is also receiving so much attention during the parliamentary summer break and is on the agenda of numerous politicians. Many thanks to our visitors and to Mr Klaus Hamacher, Deputy Chairman DLR and Dr Anke Kovar, DLR Site Management South-West, who guided the guests through the institutes - and to all others who made the visits possible.