Determining the position of trains using a magnetic field

For field tests, a specially equipped high-speed train, Deutsche Bahn's "advanced TrainLab", was converted as a test vehicle for robust multi-sensor localization and reliable, low-latency communication with high-frequency technology, special antennas and sensors on board. Extensive test series and experiments were carried out in real-life scenarios.

The aim of the project IMPACT ("Intelligent Magnetic Positioning for Avoiding Collisions of Trains") is the research and prototypical implementation of a reliable and highly available localization system for railway vehicles that is independent of dedicated infrastructure and based on methods taken from the area of artificial intelligence (AI). This shall be achieved through a novel magnetic-field-based position and speed measuring method in combination with a learnable digital map and conventional on-board sensors, such as inertial sensors and GNSS. The localization system shall be enabled to independently learn relevant sensor parameters by means of "machine learning" and consequently be easily upgraded in already existing vehicles. It is expected that with the results of the R&D project the availability of an accurate track selective position solution can be greatly increased, even under critical environmental conditions. With this approach it will be possible to significantly improve the safety and efficiency of rail transport in the future through the use of AI.

Funded by: The joint project is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and implemented together with the spin-off company Intelligence on Wheels, which has brought the Railway Collision Avoidance System (RCAS) developed at our institute to market maturity and operates it in several countries.

Video : Future technologies for rail transport - measurement campaign in the laboratory train, March 2021 (engl.)
On 11 March 2021, scientists from the DLR Institute of Communication and Navigation, together with the spin-off Intelligence on Wheels (IoW), successfully completed a two-week series of tests on technologies for the safe, efficient and flexible train traffic of tomorrow. The aim of DLR's research is to bring more passenger and freight traffic onto the rails, to increase passenger comfort through fewer changes, to better secure necessary level crossings and to enable a more flexible composition of trains in order to optimise line capacities.


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