January 30, 2024

ÖKONVER-2 transport project: Successful project conclusion

In the DLR transport project ÖKONVER-2 (Economically sound assessment of new technologies and measures in the European transport system II), methods were developed and applied for the economic assessment of innovative climate-friendly and smart technologies, measures and projects in the transport sector in the period 2021-2023. This includes innovative business models as well as the political regulation of system goods in the transport sector.

At a final conference on 30 January 2024 at the WissenschaftsForum am Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin, the project team from the five participating DLR Institutes for Air Transport (project leader Dr Janina Scheelhaase), Transport Research (project spokesperson Prof. Dr Gernot Liedtke), Transport Systems Technology, Vehicle Concepts and Networked Energy Systems presented project highlights to interested guests from business and politics under the overarching theme of "Climate-friendly growth and innovations in transport - challenges for management and regulation".

Keynote speeches by DLR scientists on the following topics were rounded off by co-presentations from partners from industry:

  • Keynote (Prof Dr Frank Fichert, Worms University of Applied Sciences)
  • Super apps in the transport and logistics sector (Dr Marc Hasselwander, Institute of Transport Research; co-presentation: Fabian Ladda-Henry, Wolt)
  • AI-supported text analysis in innovation economics: Analysis of technological niches and future trends in mobility (Dr Daniel Weiss, Institute of Transport Research; co-presenter: Andreas Scheel, IdeaLab Systems)
  • Effects of the Fit-for-55 regulations on air transport (Katrin Kölker & Klaus Lütjens, Institute of Air Transport; co-presentation: Dirk Helf, Federal Association of the German Air Transport Industry / BDL)
  • Long-distance bus transport - market development and consequences of the Deutschlandticket (Dr David Ennen, Institute of Air Transport; co-presenter: Patrick Kurth, Flix SE)
  • Transformation of the automotive industry (Benjamin Frieske, Institute of Vehicle Concepts; co-presenter: Sylvia Stieler, IMU-Institut GmbH)

In addition to third-party funded projects, more than 40 scientific publications listed in Web of Science and/or SCOPUS were produced within the framework of ÖKONVER-2.

In 2024, DLR's economic work on innovative business models, resilience and climate protection in transport will be continued in the VMo4Orte project (VMo4Orte - Vernetzte Mobilität für lebenswerte Orte | DLR Verkehr).


Dr. Janina Scheelhaase

Acting Head of Department
DLR - Institute of Air Transport
Air Transport Economics
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne
Tel: +49 2203601 2187

Franziska Bietke

Communication Manager
DLR - Institute of Air Transport
Blohmstraße 20, 21079 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 2489641-209