Integration of Micro- and Nanosystems Department

In the Department of Integration of Micro- and Nanosystems, we develop miniaturized quantum systems that are suitable for use in space. Our interdisciplinary approach is to use micro- and nanotechnology process technology to build compact, robust and scalable quantum systems. In cooperation with the other departments at the institute, we develop highly integrated, miniaturized components for a wide variety of quantum systems. To this end, we develop core technologies such as chip-based ultra-high vacuum packages, waveguide structures and atomic sources. In addition, we support the development of quantum computers through specific process innovations for the improvement of quantum computers based on nitrogen vacancies (NV centers) in diamond and technologies for the scalable integration of ion trap-based quantum computers.

Much of the work is done in the semiconductor technology clean room. We operate a comprehensive microtechnology process chain from structuring and plasma systems to interconnection and assembly technology and place particular emphasis on excellently documented, reproducible processes that enable the production of the systems to be scaled up.


Dr. Jakob Buchheim

Head of Department Integration of Micro- and Nanosystems
Institute of Quantum Technologies
Wilhelm-Runge-Str. 10, 89081 Ulm