The Institute of Space Propulsion

DLR Institute

Since its foundation in 1959, the DLR Institute of Space Propulsion has been the most important European research and testing facility for liquid-chemical rocket engines. On the 51-hectare site, 25 kilometers north-east of Heilbronn in Baden-Württemberg, a place of modern engine development has emerged from historical roots.

Video: The Institute of Space Propulsion in 3 minutes

Our mission is to make the space flight of tomorrow more efficient, more cost-effective and safer with innovative propulsion systems, environmentally friendly propellants and the use of artificial intelligence. We are also driving forward the transfer of hydrogen technology to the energy and mobility sectors.

As a strategic test infrastructure, Lampoldshausen helps to secure Europe's access to space and is also Europe's most modern, flexible and efficient test center – also for new players in the launch sector.

We research fundamental processes of progressive space propulsion systems from advanced propellant development to combustion chamber design and entire propulsion systems based on decades of expertise on unique engine test benches.

On the basis of these foundations, we encourage the further development of sustainable propulsion technologies in close cooperation with other research institutes and the space industry.

We operate and control:

  • Test benches and systems for testing rocket engines from laboratory scale to large engine test benches.
  • the entire portfolio of test requirements from component testing to engine testing to testing entire rocket stages.
  • test conditions that are as close to flight as possible, even in a vacuum.

We promote:

  • the development of innovative and cost-efficient rocket propulsion systems with the German and European space industry.
  • technology transfer in the field of hydrogen in order to transfer the know-how gained from space flight to the areas of energy and mobility.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlechtriem

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Propulsion
Im Langen Grund, 74239 Hardthausen

Klaus Schäfer

Deputy Director
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Propulsion
Management and Institut Office
Im Langen Grund, 74239 Hardthausen