September 18, 2022

Meet you at the IAC in Paris

Staff from the Galileo Competence Center will be attending the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2022, which will take place from Sunday to Thursday, 18 to 22 September, at the Paris Congress Centre (1 place de la Porte de Versailles, Paris).

Themed "Space for @ll", the IAC brings together all space organisations as well as the growing global community of stakeholders and start-ups, entrepreneurs, laboratories, researchers and manufacturers who could participate in or benefit from space activities. Particular attention will be paid to students and young professionals, who will be closely involved through special events.

Our colleague Henning Heibrok will be presenting a paper he co-authored on 21 September between 15:00 and 17:30. The presentation and the paper are based on his master's thesis, which he also wrote at the Galileo Competence Center on the topic of "Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE)". With MBSE, a new workflow can be established that allows rapid thermal analyses to be carried out at an early design stage, opening up new possibilities for evaluating different system designs in a concurrent engineering study. At the same time, more sophisticated analyses can be performed at later stages of the development process, providing a great opportunity to perform the entire system design with a single truth system model.

We look forward to meeting you there. To make an appointment, please write to us at