Optical quantum technologies can make a significant contribution to making satellite navigation systems, such as the European Galileo, much more robust and accurate in the future.
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is based on formalised data models that describe the requirements, structure and behaviour of a system.
The Galileo Competence Centre has entered into a partnership with Q.ANT, Bosch and TRUMPF to develop space-qualified position sensors.
The "Robust Precise Timing Facility (RPTF)" project will provide a robust timing facility for Galileo in the sense of global ground- and space-based time generation and time distribution.
The aim of this project is to continuously monitor the reliability and quality of the navigation signals, quickly recognise errors and pass this information on to users.
Project to develop a System & Service Volume Simulator (S2VSE). S2VSE is a software simulation tool that simulates the functional behavior and performance parameters of satellite navigation systems.
The aim of the project is to design and build different types of GNSS monitoring stations (e.g. ultra mobile, mobile and fixed) and to configure them according to the requirements of the customer "airport" or other possible candidates.