March 22, 2016

DLRmagazine 148/149 – From early communications satellites to swarm intelligence

As the title of this issue suggests, the first DLRmagazine of 2016 takes a look back in time. This year, the DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation is celebrating its 50th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, we delve into the world of invisible signals and antennas. DLR is also celebrating another anniversary - 2016 marks the 40th year of energy research conducted at DLR. In addition to honouring these milestones, this issue also explores a number of previous key events in the belief that past experience helps to build a better future. We return to the recent past of 2010, when the eruption of the 15 million years ago. Join us on a Cosmic Scene Investigation at the Reis, the very special site of a meteorite impact all those years ago. But adventure does not lie only in the past. In 'It takes two to tango', we cruise the rough waters around present-day Heligoland as we study signal transmission between ships. Will you join us for the adventures in DLRmagazine 148/149?

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Cordula Tegen

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Public Affairs and Communications