The first core topic of ARTEM is the development of innovative technologies for the reduction of aircraft noise at the source. The approach moves beyond the reduction of isolated noise sources as pure fan or landing gear noise and addresses the interaction of various components and sources - which often contributes significantly to the overall noise emission of the aircraft. Secondly, ARTEM addresses innovative concepts for the efficient damping of engine noise and other sources by the investigation of dissipative surface materials and liners. The development work will mature, and subsequently down select these technologies by comparative testing in a single relevant test setup. Furthermore, noise shielding potential for future aircraft configurations will be investigated.
The noise reduction technologies will be coupled to the modelling of future aircraft configurations as the blended wing body (BWB) and other innovative concepts with integrated engines and distributed electrical propulsion. The impact of those new configurations with low noise technology will be assessed in several ways including industry tools, airport scenario predictions, and auralization.
Initiated by the Association of European Research Establishments in Europe (EREA), ARTEM follows a holistic approach for noise reduction of future aircrafts and provides enablers for quiet air traffic of the future which is an important part of EREAs Future Sky initiative.
Project Objectives
The project ARTEM is set up in order to help closing the gap between noise reductions obtained by current technologies as already applied or being matured in large technology projects such as OpenAir and CleanSky and the long-term goals of ACARE, i.e. a noise reduction of 65 % for each aircraft operation in year 2050 compared to the reference year 2000 value. Therefore, ARTEM takes up innovative ideas and concepts for efficient noise reduction by novel liner concepts and investigates the potential of dissipative surfaces as encountered with the development of meta-materials. The aim is to develop those “Generation 3” noise reduction technologies (NRTs) to a technology readiness level (TRL) of 3 (experimental proof of concept) to 4 (technology validated in lab).
Within the project it is taken into account, that future aircrafts, anticipated to be introduced between 2035 and 2050, might have different configurations than the current tube-and-wing design with underwing –mounting of the engines. For 2035, the tube-and-wing layout could persist while the engine placement might differ, e.g. being semi-buried in the fuselage. For the 2050 time frame, blended wing-body aircrafts with very high bypass ratio (BPR≥16) may power long-range aircrafts, while regional aircrafts might exhibit hybrid propulsion systems or distributed electric propulsion system. The noise signature of the anticipated configurations will be strongly influenced by the interaction of several aircraft components: the interaction of airframe, high-lift-system, and propulsive jet of the engine(s), the interaction of airframe and engine inlet, the interaction of the landing gear with the airframe. These effects – which directly involve the noise generation - will be investigated in dedicated experiments and high-fidelity numerical calculations.
The methods, designs, and low noise technologies developed during ARTEM will be applied to the anticipated novel aircraft configurations, and the impact with respect to the noise signature will be investigated in several ways:
- Assessment of 2035-2050 configurations with installed low noise technology and impact of fleet change
- Prediction of impact on the ground (noise mapping for airport scenario)
- Auralization and human perception of novel aircraft concepts with low noise technology
- Assessment ofnovel noise reductiontechnologies applied to mid-term aircraft configurationsto identify earlier opportunities for implementation ofpromising technologies
- Zusammenfassend befasst sich ARTEM mit der Lärmentstehung und Lärmminderung für zukünftige Flugzeugkonfigurationen und prognostiziert bereits heute die Lärmsignatur der Flugzeuge von morgen - und schafft damit Wissen und Technologien für leisere Flugzeuge der Zukunft.
Projekt Achievements
A further significant reduction of aircraft noise per operation is only achievable with major design changes and disruptive aircraft concepts and noise reduction technologies beyond the proven noise reduction means of today’s aircrafts and demonstrators. ARTEM therefore chose the following major aspects of future aircrafts and related noise reduction technologies:
- The radiation of noise towards the ground shall be prevented to the best possible extent. This includes the effective damping and absorption of noise on all surfaces of the aircraft capable to carry those devices. Furthermore, the shielding capabilities of the aircraft structure should be used to the best possible extent.
- The noise originating from the interaction between different airframe components and between engines and airframe must be well understood in order to avoid them by optimized design, or apply noise reduction means which might be already available. A reduction at the source will be most valuable.
Liners for low frequencies and broad-band attenuation
Future aircrafts will rely – at least in part – on air breathing turbofan engines with a BPR increased to 16 and beyond. In order to reduce the associated weight and drag penalty of these large engines, the nacelles will be shorter and a reduced amount of space will be available for the installation of liners. At the same time, the noise characteristic will be shifted even more from tonal noise towards broad band noise and due to the large dimensions of the engine and blades also to low-frequency broad band noise. Therefore, novel liner concepts will be required for the efficient damping of low-frequency broad band noise for the installation in confined environments.
This topic applies to mid-term tube-wing aircraft configurations to the same extent as to more long-term future concepts including blended-wing-body aircraft configurations.
A new dimension of interaction effects
When looking at these future configurations it becomes clear, that interaction effects between airframe components and the interaction between propulsion system and the airframe, will be present as well - however differing significantly depending on the configuration. E.g. for embedded engines, the effect of boundary layer ingestion needs to be considered – as benefit for the aerodynamics and as challenge for the fan inflow conditions in terms of loads, performance, and noise.
Embedding novel noise reduction technologies in future aircrafts
The ambitious target in ARTEM consists of providing detailed configurations for a tube-and-wing configuration with semi-buried engines (building on the NOVA concept of ONERA) as a representation of a possible 2035 configurations as well as two blended-wing configurations anticipated for 2050 for short (REBEL) and long range (BOLT). The detailed analysis includes the characterization of the main noise sources of these aircrafts, in order to identify the low noise technologies most appropriate for the noise reduction.
Finally, the new concepts will be assessed with the technologies needed for the best noise reduction.
The noise impact will be evaluated for a single aircraft, but also at fleet and airport level, considering not only a conventional scenario as reference one but also scenarios including the most-suitable trajectories for the novel configurations.
Running Time
noise reduction, noise source, auralisation, future aircraft configurations, low noise technologies
In cooperation with the EC funded project ANIMA, a chapter on future aircraft design and associated noise implications has been contributed to the open access book “Aviation Noise Impact Management” (Springer, 2022), which has exceeded the total of 25’000 downloads already after 6 months.
Please note: In case an open access (OA) version of the original publication is available, it is directly linked. Green OA means, that the submitted version without final layout of the publisher is available, Gold OA is a direct open access publication.
Paul Bernicke received for his PhD thesis submitted to TU Braunschweig the Hermann-Blenk Research Award. In his research project, he examined the generation and propagation of airframe noise with the help of overset LES simulation. Based on this, it was possible to predict the noise reduction of a porous wing edge as well as an elongated slat geometry. The price (endowed with 5000€) was awarded by Aeronautics Research Center Lower Saxony (NFL) on November, 23rd 2020.
Selected Conference Paper
Internoise 2022, Glasgow/UK, 21.-24. August 2022
- “Fluctuations by atmospheric turbulence in aircraft flyover auralisation”, Dorothea Lincke (EMPA)
- “Flyover noise evaluation of low-noise technologies applied to a blended wing body aircraft”, Ingrid LeGriffon (ONERA)
28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 14.-17.June 2022
- “An analytical model of sound refraction by the fuselage boundary-layer for fan tone radiation from a turbofan aero-engine” Dionysios-Marios Rouvas (SOTON), AIAA2022-3059
- “Experimental and numerical assessment of novel acoustic liners for aero-engine applications”, Suresh Palani (SOTON), AIAA2022-2900
- “Acoustic Assessment of BLI Effects on Airbus Nautilius Engine Integration Concept - Part I: Noise Generation”, M.Daroukh (ONERA), AIAA2022-2943
- “Acoustic Assessment of BLI Effects on Airbus Nautilius Engine Integration Concept - Part II: Noise Radiation”, Mathieu Lorteau (ONERA), AIAA2022-2992
“Design and Evaluation of a Zero Mass Flow Liner” Ralf Burgmayer (DLR), 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. AIAA2022-2820, Green OA
- “The Use of Porous Meshes to Reduce Landing Gear Wake - Flap Interaction Noise, F. Lara (SOTON), AIAA2022-3044
- “Towards Wall-Modeled LES with Lattice Boltzmann Method for Aeroacoustics: Application and Understanding” F. Soni (DLR), AIAA2022-2918, Green OA
11th EASN Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens, 1.-3.9.2021
“Far-field pressure measurements of elliptic jets discharged close to a wing”, A. R. Proença (SOTON), Gold OA
“Prediction of Fan Tone Radiation Scattered By A Cylindrical Fuselage”, D. Rouvas (SOTON), Gold OA
- “Innovative liner concept using friction powder for increasing of broadband noise absorption. Applications for broadband noise absorption in fan duct, reduction of jet noise reflected by wing pressure side and noise reduction in aircraft cabin.”, Constantin Sandu (COMOTI), Gold OA
27th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2.-6. August 2021
“Turbulence Characteristics Related to Finlet Application for Trailing Edge Noise Reduction of a NACA 0012 Airfoil”, Felix Gstrein (U Bristol), AIAA 2021-2112, Green OA
“Investigations on the Application of Various Surface Treatments for Trailing Edge Noise Reduction on a Flat Plate”, Felix Gstrein (U Bristol), AIAA 2021-2263, Green OA
“Measurement and modelling of aero-acoustic installation effects in tractor and pusher propeller architectures”, Jernej Drofelnik (PPS), AIAA 2021-2301
“Optimisation of slanted septum and multi-folded cavity acoustic liners for aero-engines”, Suresh Palani (SOTON), AIAA2021-2172
- “Theoretical Methods for the Prediction of Near-Field and Far-Field Sound Radiation of Fan Tones Scattered By A Cylindrical Fuselage”, Dionysios-Marios Rouvas (SOTON), AIAA2021-2300
Internoise 2021, Washington D.C.
“An integrated toolchain for the design of aeroacoustic metamaterials: the H2020 project AERIALIST”, Umberto Iemma (URoma3), IN-2021-2207
- “Trailing-edge noise reduction of a wing by a surface modification”, V. Ananthan (TUBS), IN-2021-2326
Journal Puplications
- “Auralization of aircraft flyovers with turbulence-induced coherence loss in ground effect”, Reto Pieren (EMPA), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), Volume 151, Issue 4, (Gold OA)
- “Reduction of inertial end correction of perforated plates due to secondary high amplitude stimuli”, Ralf Burgmayer (DLR), JASA Express Lett. 2, 042801 (2022); (Gold OA)
“Corona Discharge Actuator as an Active Sound Absorber under normal and oblique incidence”, Stanislav Sergeev (EPFL), Acta Acustica, Vol. 6, 2022, number 5, (Gold OA)
“Airfoil Trailing Edge Noise Reduction by Application of Finlets”, Felix Gstrein (U Bristol), AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 1, January 2022 (Green OA)
“Innovative Acoustic Treatments of Nacelle Intakes Based on Optimised Metamaterials”, Giorgio Palma (URoma3), Aerospace 2021, 8, 296 (Gold OA)
“Slanted septum and multiple folded cavity liners for broadband sound absorption”, Suresh Palani (SOTON), International Journal of Aeroacoustics, vol. 20, 5-7: pp. 633-661. First Published June 9, 2021 (Gold OA)
“Effects of a secondary high amplitude stimulus on the impedance of perforated plates”, Ralf Burgmayer (DLR), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149 (5), May 2021, (Gold OA)
“Active control of jet-plate interaction noise for excited jets by plasma actuators”, Victor Kopiev (TSAGI), Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 484, 13 October 2020, 115515
“Time-domain simulations of sound propagation in a flow duct with extended-reacting liners” Antoni Alomar (ECL), Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 507, 116137, (Gold OA)
“Development of a plasma electroacoustic actuator for active noise control applications”, Stanislav Sergeev (EPFL), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.53, Number 49 (Green OA)
“Pole identification method to extract the equivalent fluid characteristics of general sound-absorbing materials”, Antoni Alomar (ECL), Applied Acoustics, Vol. 174, 107752, (Gold OA)
“Numerical characterisation of the aeroacoustic signature of propellers array for distributed electric propulsion”, Giovanni Bernardini (U Roma3), Special Issue "Airframe Noise and Airframe/Propulsion Integration" of Applied Science, Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(8), 2643 (Gold OA)
“Numerical Analysis of Fan Noise for the NOVA Boundary-Layer Ingestion Configuration”, Gianluca Romani (TU Delft), Aerospace Science and Technology 96 (2020) 105532, (Gold OA)
Localization of Dipole Noise Sources Using Planar Microphone Arrays, O. Bychkov (TSAGI), Acoustical Physics 65, 567-577, 2019, (Gold OA)
“Numerical Analysis of Fan Noise for the NOVA Boundary-Layer Ingestion Configuration”, Gianluca Romani (TU Delft), Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 96,105532, 2020 (Gold OA)
“Improving future low-noise aircraft technologies using experimental perception-based evaluation of synthetic flyovers”, Reto Pieren (EMPA), Science of The Total Environment, Volume 692, pp 68-81, 2019 (Gold OA)
„Approach to the Weight Estimation in the Conceptual Design of Hybrid-Electric-Powered Unconventional Regional Aircraft“, (F. Centracchio, URoma3), Journal of Advanced Transportation, 6320197, 2018 (Gold OA)
PhD theses
“Plasma-based Electroacoustic Actuator for Broadband Sound Absorption”, Stanislav Sergeev (EPFL)
Overset-LES for Airframe Noise Investigation, Paul Bernicke (TUBS),
For this thesis, the Hermann-Blenk Research Award was awarded by Aeronautics Research Center Lower Saxony (NFL) on November, 23rd 2020.Overset-LES of Passive Methods for Trailing Edge Noise Reduction, Varun Ananthan (TUBS)
- Computational aeroacoustics of rotor noise in novel aircraft configurations, Gianluca Romani (TU Delft), Green OA