Shortly after the eruption – a radar view through the eruption column

Shortly after the eruption – a radar view through the eruption column
This image, acquired by TerraSAR-X on 8 June 2011, reveals the eruption site more clearly. At the time of acquisition, shortly after the start of the eruption, no lava was being discharged from the volcano and consequently, no lava field is visible. However, the new eruption site in the Cordón Caulle area stands out clearly from its surroundings – light blue against a dark background – and the edge of the new, elliptical crater can be clearly distinguished. The ash particles in the eruption column, which at that time was enormous, are disturbing the radar signals slightly; this is revealed by the presence of a dark 'cloud' north of the new crater, optimally located in order to permit clear identification of the active crater.

