Anaglyph image of the mouth of Ares Vallis

Anaglyph image of the mouth of Ares Vallis
Anaglyph images can be generated using data acquired by the nadir channel in combination with data from one of the four stereo channels of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft that are directed obliquely towards the planet’s surface. When viewed through red-blue or red-cyan glasses, these provide a three-dimensional impression of the landscape. In this image, north is to the right. The 3D view clearly shows the water level of the river that once flowed through Ares Vallis, which has eroded the surrounding elevated areas at different heights. It is also clear that islands existed as obstacles in the flow channel and they were ‘streamlined’ by the water flowing around them. The plateau-like elevated land on both sides of Ares Vallis is about 1000 metres above the valley floor. The largest crater in the picture bears the name Oraibi and has a diameter of 32 kilometres. Its southeastern rim was eroded by the floodwaters; they flowed into the crater interior and deposited sediments.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
