Perspective view from the northwest of an unnamed crater

Perspective view from the northwest of an unnamed crater
Realistic perspective views of the Martian surface can be generated from data acquired by stereo and colour channels of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, which are oriented at an angle with respect to the planet’s surface. This image shows an oblique perspective view from the northwest of an unnamed, 10-kilometre crater on the high plateau north of Ares Vallis, a large outflow channel in the Martian highlands. The 32-kilometre Oraibi crater is visible in the background; its southwestern rim has been eroded by the large quantities of water that once flowed through Ares Vallis. Terraced levels are visible in the centre of the image; these were 'milled' by the erosive power of water flowing from the highlands.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
