Anaglyph image of the two craters – Danielson and Kalocsa

Anaglyph image of the two craters – Danielson and Kalocsa
Anaglyph images can be created from the nadir channel of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) camera system, which looks vertically down at Mars, and one of the four stereo channels, which are directed obliquely at the surface. Using red/blue (cyan) or red/green glasses gives a three-dimensional impression of the landscape. This image shows the two craters, Danielson (with a diameter of approximately 60 kilometres) and Kalocsa (with a diameter of approximately 33 kilometres) in the Arabia Terra region. The interior of Danielson Crater is characterised by what are known as yardangs (wind-eroded rock formations); this terrain feature is entirely absent from the smaller Kalocsa Crater. The floor of Kalocsa Crater is 1000 metres higher than that of Danielson Crater.
Copyright note:
As a joint undertaking by DLR, ESA and FU Berlin, the Mars Express HRSC images are published under a Creative Commons licence since December 2014: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. This licence will also apply to all HRSC images released to date.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
