Financing granted: Representatives of the project partners together with Ilse Aigner, Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

Financing granted: Representatives of the project partners together with Ilse Aigner, Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
In the picture (from left to right): Prof. Dr-Ing. Erwin Biebl (Munich Technical University, Very High Frequency Technology), Maik Hunke (CLAAS, Product Manager), Markus Walberer (isa industrieelektronik GmbH, Managing Partner), Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Ilse Aigner, Prof. Dr. Stefan Dech (DLR's German Remote Sensing Data Center, Director), Dr.-Ing. Peter Haschberger (DLR Remote Sensing Technology Institute, Head of Department), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Vocke (Bayerischer Jagdverband e.V., chairman).

DLR (CC-BY 3.0).
