Topographic overview map of the area around Ladon Valles

Topographic overview map of the area around Ladon Valles
Starting south of Holden Crater, a system of valleys and depressions extends over several hundred kilometres from the southern Martian highlands towards the north. Already, in this overview map, it can be seen that water flowed through valleys such as Ladon Valles into a large, ancient and already heavily eroded impact basin. On 27 April 2012, the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) operated by DLR on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft acquired images of the northern part of the mouth of Ladon Valles and the double crater Sigli / Shambe during orbit 10,602 from an altitude of about 480 kilometres. The features depicted in the other images presented here are located in the small, inner rectangle.

