Location of Kasei Valles on a globe of Mars

Location of Kasei Valles on a globe of Mars
Kasei Valles, the 'Martian Valleys', are named after the Japanese word for Mars (Kasei), and the Latin word for valleys (Valles). It is the largest system of giant multiple outflow channels, extending from the central Martian highlands to the northern lowlands. Kasei Valles flows out to the north of the equator, into Echus Chasma, a 100-kilometre-long, 10-kilometre-wide and up to 4000-metre-deep chain of valleys near the Valles Marineris canyon system. From there, the valley stretches some 2500 kilometres to the north, turns eastwards and finally flows out into Chryse Planitia in the northern Martian lowland.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum) and NASA/JPL/MSSS.
