3D view from the eastern part of Aeolis Mensae

3D view from the eastern part of Aeolis Mensae
The nadir channel of the DLR-operated HRSC camera, which is directed vertically downward onto the surface of Mars, and one of the four stereo channels allow the production of anaglyph images, which convey a realistic, three-dimensional impression of the landscape when viewed through red-blue/cyan or red-green spectacles.
The steep flanks of the mesa, rising over 2500 metres above the surrounding landscape, are particularly spectacular when viewed through 3D spectacles. The almost straight tectonic fractures in the southern section of the region (left half of the image; north is in the right of the image to enable the stereoscopic effect) stand out particularly in this view. A graben has cut through an older crater in the centre of the leftmost third of the image. The occasional landslide spilling down for kilometres to the lowlands below can be seen in the protrusions along the steep edges of the terrain. The yardangs – wind bumps and channels carved into the terrain as if by a sandblaster and running parallel to the direction of the prevailing winds – stand out particularly well thanks to the high resolution of approximately 15 metres per pixel.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
