SOS Children's Village in Dakar

SOS Children's Village in Dakar
SOS Children's Villages International is responsible for over 1.5 million children and their families worldwide. In the pilot area in Western and Central Africa, there are 47 Children's Villages alone. In addition, there are youth centers, kindergartens, schools, social centres and medical facilities. Children in need get an SOS mother, siblings, a safe home in the SOS Children's Villages. In the protective framework of the village community, the boys and girls regain the courage to go confidently into the future. The SOS Children's Villages ensure the well-being of the children entrusted to them until they enter the workplace and, if necessary, even longer. At present, more than 78,000 children and teenagers live in the 560 children's homes and 659 SOS youth care programmes.

Jude Fuhnwi / SOS Children's Villages International.
