MASCOT image of Ryugu's south polar region shortly after separation

MASCOT image of Ryugu's south polar region
MASCOT image of Ryugu's south polar region shortly after separation
The image on the right shows the first image acquired by the DLR-developed MASCAM camera system during Hayabusa2's descent, shortly after separation from the landing module at a height of 51 metres with a viewing direction towards the south pole. The area captured by MASCAM is marked as an open triangle in the overview image on the left, which was taken with the wide-angle camera of the ONC (Optical Navigation Camera) system of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Particularly striking is a huge block near the South Pole, which stands out clearly above the horizon line and which the scientists named 'South Polar Rock'. It may be several dozen, and even up to 100 metres tall.

JAXA/U Tokyo/Kochi U/Rikkyo U/Nagoya U/ Chiba Inst Tech/Meiji U/U Aizu/AIST (links); MASCOT/DLR/JAXA (rechts).
