3D view of part of Chalcoporos Rupes

3D view of part of Chalcoporos Rupes
3D view of part of Chalcoporos Rupes
Anaglyph images can be produced from data acquired by the nadir channel (oriented vertically onto the surface of Mars) of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) operated by the DLR on board the ESA Mars Express orbiter and one of the four oblique-view stereo channels. When viewed with red-blue or red-green glasses, these images give a realistic, three-dimensional view of the landscape. In the section shown, a plateau in the Chalcoporos Rupes region, shows little in the way of a topographical profile. However, a few interesting landscape phenomena can be seen in the two large craters in the image. The southern (left-hand) half contains dark gullies where dark sand has trickled down into the crater and been shaped into sand dunes by the wind. A field of dunes measuring 10 by 15 kilometres is visible in the large, heavily eroded crater to the north.

