Oblique perspective view of the valley network east of Huygens Crater

Oblique perspective view of the valley network east of Huygens Crater
Oblique perspective view of the valley network east of Huygens Crater
This oblique perspective view was generated using data acquired by the stereo channels of the DLR-developed High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). From these data, digital terrain models have been derived; these make it possible to produce perspective views of the Martian landscape. This view shows a heavily dendritic valley network east of the Huygens impact crater. The nameless crater on the left has a diameter of about 20 kilometres, the steep crater wall at the edge of the image is about 1000 metres tall. The large valley in the middle of the picture is about two kilometres wide.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
