21 July 1969 – humans on the Moon

Neil Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 mission, stepped onto the surface of the Moon.
21 July 1969 – humans on the Moon
In Europe, it was the middle of the night between Sunday, 20 July 1969 and Monday, 21 July, when, at 02:56 UTC, Neil Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 mission, stepped onto the surface of the Moon. Up to a billion people all around the world watched his exit from the Lunar Module, ‘Eagle’, on television. In the USA, it was television prime time on Sunday evening, 20 July. Twenty minutes later, astronaut Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin also stepped onto the lunar surface. The image shows the first two people on the Moon – Aldrin, standing in front of Armstrong, and Armstrong, reflecting in Aldrin’s visor at the moment the photograph was taken.

