Oblique perspective view from the east

Oblique perspective view from the east
Oblique perspective view from the east
Digital terrain models generated using data acquired by the stereo image channels of the HRSC camera system on ESA's Mars Express orbiter can be used to create perspective views of the Martian landscape. Subtle differences in material and texture have been made more apparent by enhancing the contrast in the colour data. The two impact craters in the centre of the image, which measure 10 and 12 kilometres across, show a double-layered blanket of ejecta. On closer inspection, individual layers of mantle deposits can be seen on the slopes of the many smaller depressions on the left of the image, where erosion has breached the previously closed mantle covering. The crater infill, which is also layered, indicates a mixture of ice and dust that has collapsed in the middle of the crater, giving it a concentrically lined surface texture.

