DLR's LRU2 robot during the ARCHES space simulation on Mount Etna

DLR's LRU2 robot during the ARCHES space simulation on Mount Etna
DLR's LRU2 robot during the ARCHES space simulation on Mount Etna
The Lightweight Rover Unit 2 (LRU) during a very unusual outdoor test on Mount Etna. In order to test mission scenarios for robotic exploration on Earth before going to the Moon or Mars, scientists have been looking for places on Earth that come close to the conditions on another celestial body. From 13 June to 9 July 2022, Mount Etna on the Italian island of Sicily will become a 'quasi-Moon', as the volcanic landscape with its granular surface and solidified lava layers resembles the geological composition of the Moon. ARCHES stands for 'Autonomous Robotic Networks to Help Modern Societies'. Researchers use Etna's harsh environment as a 'lunar analogue'. Several rovers, a lander and a drone work together, exploring their surroundings and performing tasks.