High-Vac­u­um Plume Test Fa­cil­i­ty for Chem­i­cal Thrusters

High-Vac­u­um Plume Test Fa­cil­i­ty for Chem­i­cal Thrusters (STG-CT)
High-Vac­u­um Plume Test Fa­cil­i­ty for Chem­i­cal Thrusters
The High-Vacuum Plume Test Facility of Chemical Thrusters (STG-CT) at the DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology in Göttingen is a unique cryogenic vacuum facility, where spacecraft thrusters can be operated and investigated under space-like vacuum conditions (< 10 -5 mbar). View in­to the test­ing room. In the fore­ground lies the rear view of the en­gine. Elec­tron­ics and fu­el lines have to be heat­ed. The in­su­la­tion foil pro­tects the cold walls from the ra­di­at­ed heat.