MAIUS-2 team stand before their rocket

MAIUS-2 team stand before their rocket
MAIUS-2 team stand before their rocket
Some of the MAIUS-2 team travelled to Kiruna in northern Sweden to prepare for launch, around three weeks before lift-off. The entire MAIUS-2 team is made up of scientists and engineers from the universities of Berlin (Humboldt), Bremen (Centre of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity; ZARM), Darmstadt (Technical University), Hamburg, Hanover, Mainz, Ulm and the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut in Berlin. The research consortium also includes the DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen, the DLR Facility for Simulation and Software Technology in Braunschweig and the DLR Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) which also carried out the launch campaign.

