Next Generation Turbine Test Facility (NG-Turb)

The Next Generation Turbine Test Facility (NG-Turb) at the DLR Institute of Propulsion Technology in Göttingen enables simulation of the most important flow parameters for future high-performance turbines (to satisfy the requirements of the aviation and power generation industries). This system is used for aerodynamic investigations of high-, medium- or low-pressure turbines for aircraft engines, as well as gas and steam turbines for power generation.
This large-scale research facility of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) allows testing of realistically scaled turbines for detailed measurements in the flow field. This also involves the use of combustion chamber simulators and twin-shaft turbine configurations (combinations of high-pressure with medium-pressure or low-pressure turbines).
The aerodynamic experiments on the research turbines are conducted on up to two-and-a-half stages. The investigations research combustion chamber/turbine interaction, the interaction between high-pressure and medium-pressure or low-pressure turbines, and the effects of cooling air. The research aims to improve the efficiency of turbines and to optimise (reduce) the consumption of cooling air. In addition, extensive experimental findings are made available for the validation of numerical methods.