Infrared image of the galaxy M82 acquired during SOFIA's first light flight

Infrared image of the galaxy M82 acquired during SOFIA's first light flight
Composite infrared image of the central portion of galaxy M82, taken during SOFIA's first light flight, acquired by Cornell University's FORCAST camera at wavelengths of 19 (blue), 31 (green) and 37 micrometres (red). The inset in the middle shows the same portion of the galaxy at optical wavelengths. In the infrared, it is possible to see past past the stars and dust clouds, apparent in the optical-wavelength image, into the star-forming heart of the galaxy. The length of the area imaged in the insets spans about 5400 light-years.

NASA/DLR/Cornell University, Optical image: N. A. Sharp/ NOAO/AURA/NSF. .
