Anaglyph image of the Sirenum Fossae graben

Anaglyph image of the Sirenum Fossae graben
So-called anaglyph images can be produced from the nadir channel (oriented perpendicular to the surface of Mars) of the HRSC camera system operated by the DLR on board the Mars Express spacecraft and one of the four oblique-view stereo channels. When viewed with red-blue or red-green glasses, these images give a realistic, three-dimensional view of the landscape. North is to the right in the image.
Using anaglyph glasses, the topographical proportions in the region can be seen very clearly. A ridge approximately 2000 metres high crosses the image in a north-south direction. It is intersected by several parallel graben. Between each pair of fault lines, the surface has subsided by several hundred metres. Other features that stand out in very marked relief when viewed with 3D glasses include a number of young craters with strikingly sharp rims (which indicate that they are young), some landslides, and some small grooves along the ridge, likewise caused by erosion, possibly even by water runoff.

ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.
