89 kilonewton shaker with the structural qualification model of the Eu:CROPIS satellite, also showing the measurement system

89 kilonewton shaker with the structural qualification model of the Eu:CROPIS satellite, also showing the measurement system
89 kilonewton shaker with the structural qualification model of the Eu:CROPIS satellite, also showing the measurement system
The 'Big Shaker' is an electrodynamic vibration test facility with a nominal force of 89 kilonewtons. It is run by the DLR Institute of Space Systems, and used for the approval of space systems and components using mechanical dynamic vibration tests. Eu:CROPIS, the first compact satellite to be developed at the Institute of Space Systems, was tested using the Big Shaker as part of the satellite strategy of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). In the future, all of the successors of Eu:CROPIS, as well as the S2TEP range of satellites will be tested at this facility.