Figure 6 and 7: Recreation of the Japanese Hayabusa2 mother ship with MASCOT in its side wall.

Recreation of the Japanese Hayabusa2 mother ship with MASCOT in its side wall.
Figure 6 and 7: Recreation of the Japanese Hayabusa2 mother ship with MASCOT in its side wall.
Figure 6 (top): One of the two deployed solar panels of the mothercraft, attached to an H-shaped truss, can be seen in the foreground. The MESS interface structure connects the MASCOT lander with the mother ship during the rocket launch and the flight phase to the asteroid. Figure 7 (below): The MASCOT flight unit, which has the majority of its mass embedded in the side wall of the mother ship. It is also easy to see the mounting position, at an angle of 15 degrees to the side wall, so that the lander can be ejected without colliding with the solar panels of the mothercraft (see Figure 6). Marked in yellow is one of the attachment points of the solar panel that was folded parallel to the side wall during the rocket launch and is located directly in front of MASCOT.