AIM backend
The Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility (Anwendungsplattform Intelligente Mobilität; AIM) at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) site in Braunschweig is a development and production platform consisting of several large-scale systems for the research and testing of urban mobility. The central system module for the data generated with AIM is the AIM backend, an efficient backend infrastructure.
The AIM backend is operated by the DLR Institute of Air Transportation Systems and comprises a powerful database server, a central server pool and extensive middleware components. It supports the development of complex information and communication technology in the field of transport research and the networking of the different AIM services and the Institute's large-scale systems. Since 2013, the AIM backend has provided a high-performance virtualisation environment, infrastructure for web services and other middleware services, central processing power for evaluation and analysis tasks, and database and archiving functionality. Originally built for the AIM large-scale systems, this spectrum of services is increasingly assisting with research activity across the whole Institute, as a central service and data infrastructure.